Tuesday, November 11, 2014

WABI-SABI - nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect 3

Millions of South Africans have physical disabilities, but often the biggest foe they must overcome to lead happy, fulfilling lives is the stares of the able-bodied – the social stigmatization that exacts a terrible toll on their outlook and wellbeing.

In my PhD thesis (http://etd.uovs.ac.za/cgi-bin/ETD-browse/view_etd?URN=etd-11142013-121707) I  referred to Look at Me, the book in which Marlene le Roux sought to change perceptions by
showcasing the sensuality, strength and courage of 23 disabled women.

Some were born with their disability; others got it through an accident or illness later in life. Lucie Pavlovich took the photographs in Look at Me. Each model is perfectly imperfect; just like every human on earth.

Bonita Blankenberg was born in 1982 and has been visually impaired since birth. She matriculated at the Athlone School for the Blind in Cape Town and is today a qualified journalist.

 I am Bonita, a woman made in God's image, born to be different, a reflection of perserverance, an echo of the power. He gave me to claim my right to be.

I was blind, therefore I was deemed unable to experience red-hot passion or breathless ecstasy. My feminine instinct to want to feel loved, treasured and desired didn't matter.
WABI-SABI - nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect.